Thank You to all Artists from across different countries who shown the interest and responded to our call for the second edition of The Arts Dot! We received applications from Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Brazil, England, Spain, France, Germany, Turkey, Iran, Nigeria and Sweden.

The list of artists for the Arts Dot Karlskrona 2019:

Julie Majerus, France-Luxembourg
Williams Delabona, Brazil
Fabiola Hidalgo, Finland
Katarina Karmelic, Croatia-Germany
Amalia Gil-Merino, Spain-Germany
Wojtek Wolf-Rukujżo, Poland
Agata Wolf-Rukujżo, Poland
Marcus Carlsson, Sweden
Vera Frederiksen Fd Zhotkevich, Sweden
Sabrina Tafuro, Sweden-Italy
Mikael Månsson, Sweden
Jenny Gustavsson, Sweden
Yvonne Walther, Sweden
Lana Leuchuk, Sweden-Belarus

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